Kozy is the brainchild of three young aspiring enterprenuers who have set out to change business practices and the environmental effects it creates apart from being a environmentally concious business we strive to be a socially responsible one as well.


Each bean bag that you purchase is made with special ESP beans that are Made using plastic that ends up in our land fills thus polluting our Environment to further reduce the carbon foot print. Our products are Hand made & made to order with impeccable detail. They are double Padded, double stitched, which makes them last longer and are sustainable then any other Bean bag out there in the market.

We recognize our social responsibility and the importance of giving Back to the community and considering that in mind we have decided to donate a percentage of our profits to charities that will help alleviate poverty, help educate and feed those in need.

With your continuous support we wish to make Kozy a household name Striving day in and day out to make your experience with Kozy, our environment and our society a better place for our future generations.